22 Nov The Power Of Gratitude: 5 Scientific Facts You Need To Know
Posted at 16:15h
in Neuroscience of Productivity, Productivity Tips & Tricks, Reach Work-Life Balance
You might have heard that gratitude creates wonders, and many successful people start their day with practicing gratitude. Scientists have conducted a number of studies to investigate the effects of gratitude on people’s behaviour and life. We took a pullout of the most commonly reported facts that were confirmed by many studies. The video below shows a quick summary of the most profound effects gratitude had on people. It turns out that gratitude even helps us achieve our goals faster!
Enjoy it and Happy Thanksgiving – if you celebrate!
The power of gratitude is almost magic because it has the capacity to improve all areas of our life. Gratitude boosts self-esteem and helps create a habit of thinking positive thoughts which is crucial for mental and physical well-being.
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