21 Nov Best Productivity Books To Maximize Your Potential
I enjoy reading books about maximizing potential and applying the best productivity techniques in my work and life. In fact, I’ve read numerous productivity books over the last decade. Each of these productivity books has unique aspects and touches upon different areas of life. With tons of quality productivity books out there, it was quite a challenging task to choose between them. I finally selected the best productivity books for you to maximize your potential. Note that these productivity books are not ordered by precedence, it doesn’t mean the #1 spot book is the best of the list. Each of the books has its values and special ways of enhancing productivity.
Before we get down to the productivity best sellers, let’s focus on the definition of productivity.
Productivity is often defined as the effective use of labor, resources, capital, information, energy, etc., in the creation of diverse goods and services. I also say productivity is the evaluation of the competence of a machine, person, system, company, etc., in transforming inputs into profitable outputs. Increased productivity refers to achieving more greatness with available resources or accomplishing great output talking of size and standard with the same input. Output/Input = Productivity. Productivity encapsulates our capability to metamorphose our visible and human measures to produce our desired outputs. We should know that in other to develop our future and society, we must be committed to productivity improvement.
Getting Things Done by David Allen
(The Art of Stress-Free Productivity)
We cannot be talking of the best productivity books without including books from the productivity guru David Allen. This book is a must read for you if you are into productivity. The message from this book is that the more you free your head from engagements and commitments by delegating tasks, the clearer and sound mind you’ll enjoy. David Allen wrote, “your head is for having ideas, not for holding them.”
Getting Results the Agile Way by J.D. Meier
(A Personal Results System for Work and Life)
The Director of Business Programs at Microsoft, J.D. Meier unveiled a masterclass in this book. It’s about practical steps to achieve your goals in a flexible way. You can be more productive without overtasking yourself with the steps in this productivity book.
The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
(Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business)
This book from Charles Duhigg is an intriguing one. In fact, one of my favourite books. It’s a book about our habits, and it’s relation to productivity. How productivity works, and how to change and also form new habits to achieve maximum productivity.
Download the Productivity Booster Daily Sheet to stay on track and double your results by using the latest Neuroscience techniques! It will take 10 minutes of your time to fill out this sheet while the benefits are enormous. Productivity Booster Daily Sheet will help you focus on the most important tasks while being highly motivated and creative. It will help you maximize your potential, counterbalance stress and sabotaging behaviors and, at the same time, align with your big goal for this year.
Decisive by Chip Heath and Dan Heath
(How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work)
This is one of the best productivity books that talks about decision making which is very important in productivity. How to be smart and precise in making decisions in life and work. By the way, did you know that the best leaders and most successful people have the ability to decide fast and stick to their decision? This fact was often mentioned by Bob Proctor at his Paradigm training.
Making It All Work by David Allen
(Winning at the Game of Work and Business of life)
The productivity guru with yet another masterpiece. In this book, he practically talks about how to balance life and work to enhance productivity in our lives and business fully.