04 Aug Six Proven Productivity Tricks To Apply Today
Imagine this: you are working a great job and living your dream life, enjoying your perfect work-life balance and spending quality time with the people you love. What one thing could make a difference so that you achieve this result?
Surprisingly, the answer is … not a six-figure lottery jackpot (as it usually gets spent to zero and below within a year), but your personal productivity.
If you plan to get the most from life, you have to deal with your time effectively and be productive. If you are, you will accomplish more in less time, feel more joyful, less stressed and get more from life. These tips are straightforward ones, which you can apply in your home or work life. In a moment I’ll share with you six proven productivity tricks so that you can actually achieve more in less time.
Let’s not only take a look at them but also make sure we put them into use.
1. Separate Your Day Into Segments
Divide your time for particular tasks into schedule and group them together. Try as much as possible to avoid multi-tasking; you won’t accomplish more in light of the fact that a single assignment won’t have your complete attention.
Also try staying away from the bombardment of present day communications, for example, attempting to answer messages (emails) throughout the day or constantly answering your cell phone. Clear your mind and for some part of the day switch off your cell phone and close your email box.
2. Prioritize
Organize your tasks and attempt your least favorite but most important tasks first. There are tasks we all detest (like preparing the docs for your annual tax declaration or visiting the dentist and you know you must eventually), so do them first and clear your mind off them. Then number the tasks in order of priority and clear them in sequence.
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3. The 15-Minute Rule
On the off chance that a task takes under 15 minutes, attempt to do it immediately or on the same day. This is an extraordinary approach to prevent assignments from piling up. One of the keys to time management is proceeding on assignments quickly and the 15 minute rule will help you.
4. Clear Your Desk
Do not allow your work area to pile with paper. When you get correspondence and tasks, they ought to be in your diary, in order of priority and out of the way. Having a reasonable and clear work area allows you to have a clear mind which eventually lets you concentrate.
5. Delegate
How is your time best spent? Put an incentive on your time and on the off chance that you find tasks that can be achieved by delegating, then delegate them and invest your time in the tasks that are more productive. The industrial age was based on the division of labor and attempting to do everything went out of fashion in the nineteenth century!
6. Be Careful Of Others
There are a lot of individuals who may need favours from you or might want to take up your time with their issues, yet there is a time and place for this! Try not to tackle and solve the world’s problem, when you can’t get to grips with even your own life. Ensure you are sensible in the time that you dedicate to others.
To summarize, here are the 6 proven productivity tricks to help you achieve more in less time:
- Separate Your Day Into Segments
- Prioritize
- The 15-Minute Rule
- Clear Your Desk
- Delegate
- Be Careful Of Others
The above are basic tips that will permit you to deal with your time more effectively and in turn make you more productive, presenting you with more quality time to commit to yourself and do the things that you enjoy doing most.
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